Source code for palladio.utils

"""Utilities functions and classes."""
import numpy as np
from types import ModuleType
from six import iteritems

[docs]def save_signature(filename, selected, threshold=0.75): """Save signature summary.""" with open(filename, 'w') as f: line_drawn = False for k in reversed(sorted( selected, key=selected.__getitem__)): if not line_drawn and float(selected[k]) < threshold: line_drawn = True f.write("=" * 40) f.write("\n") f.write("{} : {}\n".format(k, selected[k] * 100.))
# f.write("{}\n".format(k))
[docs]def retrieve_features(best_estimator): """Retrieve selected features from any estimator. In case it has the 'get_support' method, use it. Else, if it has a 'coef_' attribute, assume it's a linear model and the features correspond to the indices of the coefficients != 0 """ if hasattr(best_estimator, 'get_support'): return np.nonzero(best_estimator.get_support())[0] elif hasattr(best_estimator, 'coef_'): # print best_estimator.coef_ if best_estimator.coef_.ndim > 1 and 1 not in best_estimator.coef_.shape: sel_feats = [] for dim in range(best_estimator.coef_.ndim): sel_feats += np.nonzero( best_estimator.coef_[dim])[0].ravel().tolist() return np.unique(sel_feats) return np.nonzero(best_estimator.coef_.flatten())[0] else: # Raise an error raise AttributeError('The best_estimator object does not have ' 'neither the `coef_` attribute nor the ' '`get_support` method')
[docs]def get_selected_list(grid_search, vs_analysis=True): """Retrieve the list of selected features. Retrieves the list of selected features automatically identifying the type of object Returns ------- index : nunmpy.array The indices of the selected features """ # First, check whether it's a string, which means the list of features # must be taken from a step of a Pipeline object if type(vs_analysis) == str: selected_features = retrieve_features( grid_search.best_estimator_.named_steps[vs_analysis]) else: selected_features = retrieve_features(grid_search.best_estimator_) return selected_features
[docs]def build_cv_results(dictionary, **results): """Function to build final cv_results_ dictionary with partial results.""" for k, v in iteritems(results): if v is not None: dictionary.setdefault(k, []).append(v)
[docs]def signatures(splits_results, frequency_threshold=0.0): """Return (almost) nested signatures for each correlation value. The function returns 3 lists where each item refers to a signature (for increasing value of linear correlation). Each signature is orderer from the most to the least selected variable across KCV splits results. Parameters ---------- splits_results : iterable List of results from L1L2Py module, one for each external split. frequency_threshold : float Only the variables selected more (or equal) than this threshold are included into the signature. Returns ------- sign_totals : list of :class:`numpy.ndarray`. Counts the number of times each variable in the signature is selected. sign_freqs : list of :class:`numpy.ndarray`. Frequencies calculated from ``sign_totals``. sign_idxs : list of :class:`numpy.ndarray`. Indexes of the signatures variables . Examples -------- >>> from palladio.utils import signatures >>> splits_results = [{'selected_list':[[True, False], [True, True]]}, ... {'selected_list':[[True, False], [False, True]]}] >>> sign_totals, sign_freqs, sign_idxs = signatures(splits_results) >>> print sign_totals [array([ 2., 0.]), array([ 2., 1.])] >>> print sign_freqs [array([ 1., 0.]), array([ 1. , 0.5])] >>> print sign_idxs [array([0, 1]), array([1, 0])] """ # Computing totals and frequencies selection_totals = selection_summary(splits_results) selection_freqs = selection_totals / len(splits_results) # Variables are ordered and filtered by frequency threshold sorted_idxs = np.argsort(selection_freqs, axis=1) sorted_idxs = (sorted_idxs.T)[::-1].T # Reverse order # ... ordering for i, si in enumerate(sorted_idxs): selection_freqs[i] = selection_freqs[i][si] selection_totals[i] = selection_totals[i][si] # ... filtering threshold_mask = (selection_freqs >= frequency_threshold) # Signatures Ordered and Filtered! sign_totals = list() sign_freqs = list() sign_idxs = list() for i, mask in enumerate(threshold_mask): sign_totals.append(selection_totals[i][mask]) sign_freqs.append(selection_freqs[i][mask]) sign_idxs.append(sorted_idxs[i][mask]) return sign_totals, sign_freqs, sign_idxs
[docs]def selection_summary(splits_results): """Count how many times each variables was selected. Parameters ---------- splits_results : iterable List of results from L1L2Py module, one for each external split. Returns ------- summary : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Selection summary. ``# mu_values X # variables`` matrix. """ # Sum selection lists by mu values (mu_num x num_var) return np.sum(np.asarray(sr['selected_list'], dtype=float) for sr in splits_results)
[docs]def confusion_matrix(labels, predictions): """Calculate a confusion matrix. From given real and predicted labels, the function calculated a confusion matrix as a double nested dictionary. The external one contains two keys, ``'T'`` and ``'F'``. Both internal dictionaries contain a key for each class label. Then the ``['T']['C1']`` entry counts the number of correctly predicted ``'C1'`` labels, while ``['F']['C2']`` the incorrectly predicted ``'C2'`` labels. Note that each external dictionary correspond to a confusion matrix diagonal and the function works only on two-class labels. Parameters ---------- labels : iterable Real labels. predictions : iterable Predicted labels. Returns ------- cm : dict Dictionary containing the confusion matrix values. """ cm = {'T': dict(), 'F': dict()} real_unique_labels, real_C1, real_C2 = _check_unique_labels(labels) pred_unique_labels, pred_C1, pred_C2 = _check_unique_labels(predictions) if not np.all(real_unique_labels == pred_unique_labels): raise ValueError('real and predicted labels differ.') cm['T'][real_unique_labels[0]] = (real_C1 & pred_C1).sum() # True C1 cm['T'][real_unique_labels[1]] = (real_C2 & pred_C2).sum() # True C2 cm['F'][real_unique_labels[0]] = (real_C2 & pred_C1).sum() # False C1 cm['F'][real_unique_labels[1]] = (real_C1 & pred_C2).sum() # False C2 return cm
[docs]def classification_measures(confusion_matrix, positive_label=None): """Calculate some classification measures. Measures are calculated from a given confusion matrix (see :func:`confusion_matrix` for a detailed description of the required structure). The ``positive_label`` arguments allows to specify what label has to be considered the positive class. This is needed to calculate some measures like F-measure and set some aliases (e.g. precision and recall are respectively the 'predictive value' and the 'true rate' for the positive class). If ``positive_label`` is None, the resulting dictionary will not contain all the measures. Assuming to have to classes 'C1' and 'C2', and to indicate 'C1' as the positive (P) class, the function returns a dictionary with the following structure:: { 'C1': {'predictive_value': --, # TP / (TP + FP) 'true_rate': --}, # TP / (TP + FN) 'C2': {'predictive_value': --, # TN / (TN + FN) 'true_rate': --}, # TN / (TN + FP) 'accuracy': --, # (TP + TN) / (TP + FP + FN + TN) 'balanced_accuracy': --, # 0.5 * ( (TP / (TP + FN)) + # (TN / (TN + FP)) ) 'MCC': --, # ( (TP * TN) - (FP * FN) ) / # sqrt( (TP + FP) * (TP + FN) * # (TN + FP) * (TN + FN) ) # Following, only with positive_labels != None 'sensitivity': --, # P true rate: TP / (TP + FN) 'specificity': --, # N true rate: TN / (TN + FP) 'precision': --, # P predictive value: TP / (TP + FP) 'recall': --, # P true rate: TP / (TP + FN) 'F_measure': -- # 2. * ( (Precision * Recall ) / # (Precision + Recall) ) } Parameters ---------- confusion_matrix : dict Confusion matrix (as the one returned by :func:`confusion_matrix`). positive_label : str Positive class label. Returns ------- summary : dict Dictionary containing calculated measures. """ # Confusion Matrix # True P True N # Pred P TP FP P Pred Value # Pred N FN TN N Pred Value # Sensitivity Specificity labels = confusion_matrix['T'].keys() if positive_label is not None: P = positive_label if P not in labels: raise ValueError('label %s not found.' % positive_label) N = set(labels).difference([positive_label]).pop() else: P, N = sorted(labels) # shortcuts ------------------------------------ TP = confusion_matrix['T'][P] TN = confusion_matrix['T'][N] FP = confusion_matrix['F'][P] FN = confusion_matrix['F'][N] # ---------------------------------------------- summary = dict({P: dict(), N: dict()}) summary[P]['predictive_value'] = TP / float(TP + FP) summary[P]['true_rate'] = TP / float(TP + FN) # sensitivity summary[N]['predictive_value'] = TN / float(TN + FN) summary[N]['true_rate'] = TN / float(TN + FP) # specificity summary['accuracy'] = (TP + TN) / float(TP + FP + FN + TN) summary['balanced_accuracy'] = 0.5 * (summary[P]['true_rate'] + summary[N]['true_rate']) den = ((TP + FP) * (TP + FN) * (TN + FP) * (TN + FN)) summary['MCC'] = (((TP * TN) - (FP * FN)) / (1.0 if den == 0 else np.sqrt(den))) if positive_label is not None: summary['sensitivity'] = summary[P]['true_rate'] summary['specificity'] = summary[N]['true_rate'] summary['precision'] = summary[P]['predictive_value'] summary['recall'] = summary['sensitivity'] summary['F_measure'] = ( 2. * ((summary['precision'] * summary['recall']) / (summary['precision'] + summary['recall'])) ) return summary
def _check_unique_labels(labels): labels = np.array([str(s).strip() for s in labels]) unique_labels = np.unique(labels) if len(unique_labels) != 2: raise ValueError('more than 2 classes in labels.') unique_labels.sort(kind='mergesort') class1 = (labels == unique_labels[0]) class2 = (labels == unique_labels[1]) return unique_labels, class1, class2
[docs]def set_module_defaults(module, dictionary): """Set default variables of a module, given a dictionary. Used after the loading of the configuration file to set some defaults. """ # for k, v in dictionary.iteritems(): for k, v in iteritems(dictionary): try: getattr(module, k) except AttributeError: setattr(module, k, v)
[docs]def sec_to_timestring(seconds): """Transform seconds into a formatted time string. Parameters ----------- seconds : int Seconds to be transformed. Returns ----------- time : string A well formatted time string. """ m, s = divmod(seconds, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) return "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s)
[docs]def safe_run(function): """Decorator that tries to run a function and prints an error when fails.""" def safe_run_function(*args, **kwargs): try: function(*args, **kwargs) except StandardError as error: print('Function {} failed: plot not ' 'created. Exception raised: {}'.format(function.__name__, error)) return safe_run_function