Source code for adenine.utils.extra

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2016 Samuele Fiorini, Federico Tomasi, Annalisa Barla
# FreeBSD License

import os
import time
import matplotlib; matplotlib.use('Agg')
import seaborn as sns

from datetime import datetime
from itertools import product

[docs]class Palette(): """Wrapper for seaborn palette.""" def __init__(self, name='Set1', n_colors=6): = name self.palette = sns.color_palette(name, n_colors) def get(self, i=0): return self.palette[i] def next(self): self.palette.append(self.palette.pop(0)) return self.palette[-1] def reset(self, n_colors=6): self.palette = sns.color_palette(, n_colors)
# ensure_list = lambda x: x if type(x) == list else [x] def ensure_list(x): return x if type(x) == list else [x]
[docs]def values_iterator(dictionary): """Add support for python2 or 3 dictionary iterators.""" try: v = dictionary.itervalues() # python 2 except: v = dictionary.values() # python 3 return v
[docs]def items_iterator(dictionary): """Add support for python2 or 3 dictionary iterators.""" try: gen = dictionary.iteritems() # python 2 except: gen = dictionary.items() # python 3 return gen
[docs]def modified_cartesian(*args, **kwargs): """Modified Cartesian product. This takes two (or more) lists and returns their Cartesian product. If one of two list is empty this function returns the non-empty one. Parameters ----------- *args : lists, length : two or more The group of input lists. Returns ----------- cp : list The Cartesian Product of the two (or more) nonempty input lists. """ # Get the non-empty input lists if kwargs.get('pipes_mode', False): nonempty = [ensure_list(arg) for arg in args if len(ensure_list(arg)) > 0] else: nonempty = [ensure_list(arg) if len(ensure_list(arg)) > 0 else [None] for arg in args] # Cartesian product return [list(c) for c in product(*nonempty)]
[docs]def make_time_flag(): """Generate a time flag. This function simply generates a time flag using the current time. Returns ----------- timeFlag : string A unique time flag. """ y = str(time.localtime().tm_year) mo = str(time.localtime().tm_mon) d = str(time.localtime().tm_mday) h = str(time.localtime().tm_hour) mi = str(time.localtime().tm_min) s = str(time.localtime().tm_sec) return h + ':' + mi + ':' + s + '_' + d + '-' + mo + '-' + y
[docs]def sec_to_time(seconds): """Transform seconds into a formatted time string. Parameters ----------- seconds : int Seconds to be transformed. Returns ----------- time : string A well formatted time string. """ m, s = divmod(seconds, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) return "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s)
[docs]def get_time(): """Get time of now, in string.""" return datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S')
def title_from_filename(root, step_sep="$\mapsto$"): # Define the plot title. List is smth like ['results', 'ade_debug_', 'Standardize', 'PCA'] i = [i for i, s in enumerate(root.split(os.sep)) if 'ade_' in s][0] # lambda function below does: ('a_b_c') -> 'c b a' return step_sep.join(map(lambda x: ' '.join(x.split('_')[::-1]), root.split(os.sep)[i+1:]))
[docs]def ensure_symmetry(X): """Ensure matrix symmetry. Parameters ----------- X : numpy.ndarray Input matrix of precomputed pairwise distances. Returns ----------- new_X : numpy.ndarray Symmetric distance matrix. Values are averaged. """ if not (X.T == X).all(): return (X.T + X) / 2. else: return X
[docs]def timed(function): """Decorator that measures wall time of the decored function.""" def timed_function(*args, **kwargs): t0 = time.time() result = function(*args, **kwargs) print("\nAdenine {} - Elapsed time : {} s\n" .format(function.__name__, sec_to_time(time.time() - t0))) return result return timed_function
[docs]def set_module_defaults(module, dictionary): """Set default variables of a module, given a dictionary. Used after the loading of the configuration file to set some defaults. """ for k, v in items_iterator(dictionary): try: getattr(module, k) except AttributeError: setattr(module, k, v)