Source code for adenine.core.analyze_results

#!/usr/bin/env python -W ignore::DeprecationWarning
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Adenine analyzer module."""
# Copyright (C) 2016 Samuele Fiorini, Federico Tomasi, Annalisa Barla
# FreeBSD License

import os
import shutil
import logging
import matplotlib; matplotlib.use('AGG')
import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import subprocess

    import cPickle as pkl
    import pickle as pkl

from sklearn import metrics

from adenine.core import plotting
from adenine.utils import scores
from adenine.utils.extra import title_from_filename
from adenine.utils.extra import timed, items_iterator

# to save info before logging is loaded
GLOBAL_INFO = 'matplotlib backend set to AGG'

[docs]def est_clst_perf(root, data_in, labels=None, t_labels=None, model=None, metric='euclidean'): """Estimate the clustering performance. This estimates the clustering performance by means of several indexes. Results are saved in a tree-like structure in the root folder. Parameters ----------- root : string The root path for the output creation. data_in : array of float, shape : (n_samples, n_dimensions) The low space embedding estimated by the dimensinality reduction and manifold learning algorithm. labels : array of float, shape : n_samples The label assignment performed by the clustering algorithm. t_labels : array of float, shape : n_samples The true label vector; None if missing. model : sklearn or sklearn-like object An instance of the class that evaluates a step. In particular this must be a clustering model provided with the clusters_centers_ attribute (e.g. KMeans). metric : string The metric used during the clustering algorithms. """ perf_out = dict() try: if hasattr(model, 'inertia_'): # Sum of distances of samples to their closest cluster center. perf_out['inertia'] = model.inertia_ perf_out['silhouette'] = metrics.silhouette_score(data_in, labels, metric=metric) if t_labels is not None: # the next indexes need a gold standard perf_out['ari'] = metrics.adjusted_rand_score(t_labels, labels) perf_out['ami'] = metrics.adjusted_mutual_info_score(t_labels, labels) perf_out['homogeneity'] = metrics.homogeneity_score(t_labels, labels) perf_out['completeness'] = metrics.completeness_score(t_labels, labels) perf_out['v_measure'] = metrics.v_measure_score(t_labels, labels) perf_out['fscore'] = scores.precision_recall_fscore( scores.confusion_matrix(t_labels, labels)[0])[2] except ValueError as e: logging.warning("Clustering performance evaluation failed for %s. " "Error: %s", model, str(e)) # perf_out = {'empty': 0.0} perf_out['###'] = 0. # Define the filename filename = os.path.join(root, os.path.basename(root)) with open(filename + '_scores.txt', 'w') as f: f.write("------------------------------------\n" "Adenine: Clustering Performance for \n" "\n" + title_from_filename(root, " --> ") + "\n" "------------------------------------\n") f.write("Index Name{}|{}Index Score\n".format(' ' * 10, ' ' * 4)) f.write("------------------------------------\n") for elem in sorted(perf_out.keys()): f.write("{}{}|{}{:.4}\n" .format(elem, ' ' * (20 - len(elem)), ' ' * 4, perf_out[elem])) f.write("------------------------------------\n") # pkl Dump filename += '_scores.pkl' with open(filename, 'wb') as f: pkl.dump(perf_out, f)"Dumped : %s", filename)
[docs]def make_df_clst_perf(root): """Summarize all the clustering performance estimations. Given the output file produced by est_clst_perf(), this function groups all of them together in friendly text and latex files, and saves the two files produced in a tree-like structure in the root folder. Parameters ----------- root : string The root path for the output creation. """ measures = ('ami', 'ari', 'completeness', 'homogeneity', 'v_measure', 'inertia', 'silhouette', 'fscore') df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['pipeline'] + list(measures)) for root_, _, filenames in os.walk(root): for fn in filenames: if fn.endswith('_scores.pkl'): with open(os.path.join(root_, fn), 'rb') as f: perf_out = pkl.load(f) perf_out['pipeline'] = title_from_filename(root_, step_sep=" --> ") df = df.append(perf_out, ignore_index=True) df = df.fillna('') nan_val = '---' pipe_header = 'preprocess --> dim red --> clustering' size_pipe = max([len(p) for p in df['pipeline']] + [len(pipe_header)]) sizes = [3 + max([len('{: .3}'.format(p)) if p != '' else len(nan_val) for p in df[mm]] + [len(mm)]) for mm in measures] # find the best value for each score best_scores = { mm: max([p for p in df[mm] if p != ''] or [np.nan]) for mm in measures} with open(os.path.join(root, 'summary_scores.txt'), 'w') as f, \ open(os.path.join(root, 'summary_scores.tex'), 'w') as g: measures_header = [' ' * max(size - len(x) - 2, 1) + x + ' ' for size, x in zip(sizes, measures)] header = "{}{}|{}\n" \ .format(pipe_header, ' ' * (size_pipe - len(pipe_header)), '|'.join(measures_header)) f.write("-" * len(header) + "\n") f.write("Adenine: Clustering Performance for each pipeline\n") f.write("-" * len(header) + "\n") f.write(header) f.write("-" * len(header) + "\n") g.write(r"\documentclass{article}" "\n" r"\usepackage{adjustbox}" "\n" r"\usepackage{caption}" "\n" r"\captionsetup[table]{skip=10pt}" "\n" r"\begin{document}" "\n" r"\begin{table}[h!]" "\n" r"\centering" "\n" r"\caption{Adenine: Clustering Performance for each pipeline}" "\n" r"\label{clust-perf}" "\n" r"\begin{adjustbox}{max width=\textwidth}" "\n" r"\begin{tabular}{l|rc|rc|rc|rc|rc|rc|rc|rc}" "\n" r"\textbf{preprocess $\to$ dim red $\to$ clustering} & \textbf{ami} " r"&& \textbf{ari} && \textbf{completeness} && \textbf{homogeneity} " r"&& \textbf{v\_measure} && \textbf{inertia} && \textbf{silhouette} " r"&& \textbf{fscore}" r" & \\ \hline " "\n") for _ in df.iterrows(): row = _[1] all_measures = ['{: .3}'.format(row[mm]) if row[mm] != '' else nan_val for mm in measures] stars = [' *' if row[mm] == best_scores[mm] else ' ' for mm in measures] row_measure = [' ' * max(size - len(x) - 2, 1) + x + ss for size, x, ss in zip(sizes, all_measures, stars)] f.write("{}{}|{}\n" .format( row['pipeline'], ' ' * (size_pipe - len(row['pipeline'])), '|'.join(row_measure) )) row_tex = [x + r'&' + ss for x, ss in zip(all_measures, stars)] g.write(r"{} & {} \\" "\n" .format( row['pipeline'].replace('-->', r'$\to$'), r'&'.join(row_tex) )) f.write("-" * len(header) + "\n") g.write(r"\hline" "\n" r"\end{tabular}" "\n" r"\end{adjustbox}" "\n" r"\end{table}" "\n" r"\end{document}")
[docs]def get_step_attributes(step, pos): """Get the attributes of the input step. This function returns the attributes (i.e. level, name, outcome) of the input step. This comes handy when dealing with steps with more than one parameter (e.g. KernelPCA 'poly' or 'rbf'). Parameters ----------- step : list A step coded by as [name, level, param, data_out, data_in, mdl obj, voronoi_mdl_obj] pos : int The position of the step inside the pipeline. Returns ------- name : string A unique name for the step (e.g. KernelPCA_rbf). level : {imputing, preproc, dimred, clustering} The step level. data_out : array of float, shape : (n_samples, n_out) Where n_out is n_dimensions for dimensionality reduction step, or 1 for clustering. data_in : array of float, shape : (n_samples, n_in) Where n_in is n_dimensions for preprocessing/imputing/dimensionality reduction step, or n_dim for clustering (because the data have already been dimensionality reduced). param : dictionary The parameters of the sklearn object implementing the algorithm. mdl_obj : sklearn or sklearn-like object This is an instance of the class that evaluates a step. """ name, level, param, data_out, \ data_in, mdl_obj, voronoi_mdl_obj = step[:7] if level.lower() == 'none': if pos == 0: level = 'preproc' elif pos == 1: level = 'dimred' # Imputing level if param.get('missing_values', ''): name += '-' + param['missing_values'] if param.get('strategy', ''): name += '_' + param['strategy'] # Preprocessing level if param.get('norm', ''): # normalize name += '_' + param['norm'] elif param.get('feature_range', ''): # minmax name += "_({} - {})".format(*param['feature_range']) # Append additional parameters in the step name if name == 'KernelPCA': name += '_' + param['kernel'] elif name == 'LLE': name += '_' + param['method'] elif name == 'MDS': if param['metric']: name += '_metric' else: name += '_nonmetric' elif name == 'Hierarchical': name += '_' + param['affinity'] + '_' + param['linkage'] elif name == 'SE': name += '_' + param['affinity'] try: n_clusters = param.get('n_clusters', 0) or \ param.get('best_estimator_', dict()).get('cluster_centers_', np.empty(0)).shape[0] or \ param.get('cluster_centers_', np.empty(0)).shape[0] or \ mdl_obj.__dict__.get('n_clusters', 0) or \ mdl_obj.__dict__.get('cluster_centers_', np.empty(0)).shape[0] except StandardError: n_clusters = 0 if n_clusters > 0: name += '_' + str(n_clusters) + '-clusts' metric = param.get('affinity', None) or 'euclidean' return (name, level, param, data_out, data_in, mdl_obj, voronoi_mdl_obj, metric)
[docs]def analysis_worker(elem, root, y, feat_names, index, lock): """Parallel pipelines analysis. Parameters ---------- elem : list The first two element of this list are the pipe_id and all the data of that pipeline. root : string The root path for the output creation. y : array of float, shape : n_samples The label vector; None if missing. feat_names : array of integers (or strings), shape : n_features The feature names; a range of numbers if missing. index : list of integers (or strings) This is the samples identifier, if provided as first column (or row) of of the input file. Otherwise it is just an incremental range of size n_samples. lock : multiprocessing.synchronize.Lock Obtained by multiprocessing.Lock(). Needed for optional creation of directories. """ # Getting pipeID and content pipe, content = elem[:2] out_folder = '' # where the results will be placed"Start {} --".format(pipe)) for i, step in enumerate(sorted(content.keys())): # Tree-like folder structure definition step_name, step_level, step_param, step_out, step_in, mdl_obj, \ voronoi_mdl_obj, metric = get_step_attributes(content[step], pos=i)"LEVEL {} : {}".format(step_level, step_name)) # Output folder definition & creation out_folder = os.path.join(out_folder, step_name) rootname = os.path.join(root, out_folder) with lock: if not os.path.exists(rootname): os.makedirs(rootname) # Launch analysis if step_level == 'dimred': plotting.scatter(root=rootname, data_in=step_out, labels=y, true_labels=True) plotting.silhouette(root=rootname, labels=y, data_in=step_out, model=mdl_obj) if hasattr(mdl_obj, 'explained_variance_ratio_'): plotting.pcmagnitude(root=rootname, points=mdl_obj.explained_variance_ratio_, title='Explained variance ratio') if hasattr(mdl_obj, 'lambdas_'): plotting.pcmagnitude(root=rootname, points=mdl_obj.lambdas_/np.sum(mdl_obj.lambdas_), title='Normalized eigenvalues of the centered' ' kernel matrix') if step_level == 'clustering': if hasattr(mdl_obj, 'affinity_matrix_'): try: n_clusters = mdl_obj.__dict__.get('cluster_centers_', np.empty(0)).shape[0] except: n_clusters = 0 if hasattr(mdl_obj, 'n_clusters'): n_clusters = mdl_obj.n_clusters plotting.eigs(root=rootname, affinity=mdl_obj.affinity_matrix_, n_clusters=n_clusters, title='Eigenvalues of the graph associated to ' 'the affinity matrix') if hasattr(mdl_obj, 'cluster_centers_'): _est_name = mdl_obj.__dict__.get('estimator_name', '') or \ type(mdl_obj).__name__ if _est_name != 'AffinityPropagation': # disable the voronoi plot for affinity prop plotting.voronoi(root=rootname, labels=y, data_in=step_in, model=voronoi_mdl_obj) elif hasattr(mdl_obj, 'n_leaves_'): plotting.tree(root=rootname, data_in=step_in, labels=y, index=index, model=mdl_obj) plotting.dendrogram(root=rootname, data_in=step_in, labels=y, index=index, model=mdl_obj) plotting.scatter(root=rootname, labels=step_out, data_in=step_in, model=mdl_obj) plotting.silhouette(root=rootname, labels=step_out, data_in=step_in, model=mdl_obj) est_clst_perf(root=rootname, data_in=step_in, labels=step_out, t_labels=y, model=mdl_obj, metric=metric)
@timed def analyze(input_dict, root, y=None, feat_names=None, index=None, **kwargs): """Analyze the results of ade_run. This function analyze the dictionary generated by ade_run, generates the plots, and saves them in a tree-like folder structure in rootFolder. Parameters ----------- input_dict : dictionary The dictionary created by on some data. root : string The root path for output creation. y : array of float, shape : n_samples The label vector; None if missing. feat_names : array of integers (or strings), shape : n_features The feature names; a range of numbers if missing. index : list of integers (or strings) This is the samples identifier, if provided as first column (or row) of of the input file. Otherwise it is just an incremental range of size n_samples. kwargs : dictionary Additional optional parameters. In particular it can contain 'plotting_context' and 'file_format' variables, if specified in the config file. """ if GLOBAL_INFO: if kwargs.get('plotting_context', None): sns.set_context(kwargs.get('plotting_context')) file_formats = ('png', 'pdf') ff = kwargs.get('file_format', file_formats[0]).lower() if ff not in file_formats: logging.warning("File format unknown. " "Please select one of %s", file_formats) plotting.DEFAULT_EXT = file_formats[0] else: plotting.DEFAULT_EXT = ff"File format set to %s", plotting.DEFAULT_EXT) lock = mp.Lock() ps = [] for elem in items_iterator(input_dict): p = mp.Process(target=analysis_worker, args=(elem, root, y, feat_names, index, lock)) p.start() ps.append(p) for p in ps: p.join() # Create summary_scores.{txt, tex} make_df_clst_perf(root) # Compile tex try: with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull: # Someone may not have pdflatex installed["pdflatex", os.path.join(root, "summary_scores.tex")], stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)"PDF compilation done.") shutil.move("summary_scores.pdf", os.path.join(root, "summary_scores.pdf")) os.remove("summary_scores.aux") os.remove("summary_scores.log")".aux and .log cleaned") except StandardError: from sys import platform logging.warning("Suitable pdflatex installation not found.") if platform not in ["linux", "linux2", "darwin"]: logging.warning("Your operating system may not support" "summary_scores.tex automatic pdf compilation.")